My church recently had guest speaker Christine Caine who is an Australian pastor from Hillsong and founder of A21 which fights modern human trafficking in Greece and other countries around the world. She shared an incredible message about making the most of your current situation instead of always looking towards the next best thing. She used the example of needing the newest and greatest iphone. Or saying you won't be happy until xyz is right in your life. It was a wonderful reminder that you should aim to be happy just as you are. So think about all the blessings you have in your life right now and take the time to be grateful for what is going good for you. Sure things may not be perfect, but your challenges are determined by the perspective in how you see them.
As you write your New Years Resolutions are you one that says "I hope my thighs are thinner, my bank account is fuller, my happiness has increased?" Well the Christmas cookies are gone and I can help you get a jump start on those healthy New Years Resolutions! 2014 will be the year we can achieve them once and for all! Everyone deserves to sparkle so I want you to Dream Big, Shine Bright, and Sparkle Louder!
Start by creating a SMART Goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Sensitive) — By creating goals with end dates on them you will see your resolutions in a clear, concise way. For example, "I want to lose 10 pounds by March 2014 by eating clean and working out 5 days a week," is a lot more descriptive than just "I want to lose weight." I personally don't like calling them New Year's Resolutions because I work on them all year round, so I will say that my goal for 2014 is to stay consistent about my diet. Here's a list of the most popular New Years Resolutions in this country.
I know changing your body with fitness and disciplined eating when nobody is making you do it is hard. Everybody can succeed. But only those who have will power to work through the difficult weeks will stay with it long enough to see the rewards. The rewards are there, waiting for you! Will you start the new year with energy and enthusiasm, or will you just stay the same? This year your body, your transformation, your success is in your hands and nobody else! No excuses.
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