If you like peanut sauce dishes in Thai restaurant but don't want the calories, you're going to love this Clean recipe!
1 package extra firmTofu
2 cups frozen Broccoli florets
1 large carrot, sliced
1 ts Crushed Chilli
1 ts Cumin
2 ts minced Garlic
1 ts Coriander
½ Onion, finely chopped
1 ½ TB Coconut Oil
Juice of half a fresh Lime
3 TB Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter
1 ts Tamari
1– 2 cups water
2 TB Coconut Sugar (optional)
fry pan, add the coconut oil, coriander, cumin, garlic and red onion
and fry for
about 30seconds. Add the peanut butter, chilli, lime juice, Natvia (or
sugar), coconut and tamari sauce and stir. This will form a paste.
Gradually add the water, about 1/2 cup at a time till you get the sauce
to a consistency that you like. (more water = runnier sauce) Simmer for a few minutes and turn heat off and set aside.I n another heated pan, place a little coconut oil and a little
garlic. Add the tofu and brown it up. Add the vegetables and stir fry for a few minutes.
I served this on top of rice.
um, yes please this looks delicious! can't wait to try this out!