Wardrobe Refresh

For me the thing that makes the transition from summer to fall (and cold weather) easy is Pumpkin flavored everything. I have been seeing a lot of olive green in the stores which is such a hard color to find yet my favorite shade of green! According to the Pantone forecast olive green, royal blue and mustard yellow are going to be popular. Sorry heels, but I'm having a moment with pink sneakers this fall. As you can see today and in this post  you can make them work with a cute dress.

This summer I participated in the 31 day closet challenge in the hopes of wearing more of my closet. I'm embarrassed to admit that my closet is overflowing because I have a hard time throwing things away. I tend to hold on to things just in case I might want to wear them. Then I read a magazine article saying would you really wear something you bought 7 years ago, and for me that is honestly a "no". I was in a different age bracket and at the club every weekend. I've since filled up a garbage bag full of clothes, yet barely scratching the surface.

Every since reorganizing my shoe closet where I can actually see my shoes, I realized that I don't wear half of my heels and am thinking about donating all of them too. While I feel my weekend clothes are stylish, I feel very frumpy at work. I feel my work wardrobe doesn't reflect my style personality. I use pinterest to organize my recipes, but never thought to pin outfits. In the hopes of having a more pulled together look at work where my fashion sense can shine, I've started pinning outfit ideas which has given me great color combo ideas.  I feel this has helped me feel more pulled together and confident in my work clothes. It also gives me definitive items to shop for instead of just buying things that fancy my eye at the moment. I'm still using the stylebook app to have no outfit repeat months.

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