When you go running you always have to carry a few things with you right? Iphone, keys, etc. I ran my first race with a purse in a plastic bag to protect from the color dust and thought how ridiculous is this. lol When you ride public transportation to your race you have no where to put all your stuff. So I started looking around for a stylish fanny pack to remedy this situation.
Random side note, did you know that the word "fanny" in Australia means a woman's private parts, it's actually a very vulgar term for it! lol I giggle every time I say fanny pack just thinking about this. The Aussies call a fanny pack a "Bum Bag."
Anyway I found the Flipbelt, it's a simple yet ingenious solution! It doesn't ride up when you run and stay put on your lower hips. It has multiple openings and I've been putting my work ID and iphone in this when I run. Initially I was scared to put my iphone in it, but you know what it didn't fall out and no bounce! If you're tired of running with an armband (hello tanline) try this out, it comes in a bunch of fun colors!
When I was training for my last run I talked about how I needed a handheld water bottle. Well I found the perfect one! Unlike a regular cylinder water bottle, the Amphipod is shaped to fit the natural shape of your hand. So it's very comfortable to run with because I hardly noticed I was holding it for the most part. And the zippered neoprene sleeve is perfect to carry my keys in.
When I run my hand isn't holding on to the bottle tightly at all, it's in a relaxed position. I only felt the 20 oz bottle when it's full because they it feels like a heavy weight in my hand, but once I started drinking the water it lightens up and I really do finish a bottle on an hours run. My hand does sweat a little so I switch the bottle between hands during my run so I would imagine the sleeve will have to be washed eventually. The bottom rubber band slipped out a couple times, not sure what I'm doing to make it do that? My other complaint is the color, I wish it came in other colors or at least the neoprene sleeve did, a girl likes options!
I agree with you. It is really nesscesary for running.