Sometimes you just have to tell yourself nope not going to be lazy and get my workout in, or get an app that gives you financial incentive to workout! The GymPact app is available for both the iphone and andorid and the way it works is you pledge dollars to motivate you to workout! So you make a pact to say how much working out is worth to you ($5 or $10 a day) and that monetary kick forces you to keep your pledge. You check in at the gym and if you keep your wager you get paid!
You can link your account to the RunKeeper app so all your outdoor running or biking counts towards your goal as well! The best part is there's no list of participating gyms, they can verify any fitness facility that is separate from your home or office. University gyms count, and so do yoga studios, swimming pools, tennis courts, martial arts studios, rock climbing gyms, outdoor tracks, or any standalone exercise facility and in 75 countries. When you're at the gym just hit the Check In button and they confirm via GPS that you’re there! They even have customer service available if you need to dispute a workout not counting as long as you contact them within a 24 hour period.
If you do happen to miss a day, they will charge the credit card they have on file for you according to your Pact amount and the number of days missed. But if you meet your Pact, you get a cash reward for each day committed, paid for by those who didn’t get to the gym! Rewards are generally around $0.30 to $0.40 per workout. Now that may seem small, but if you're consistent working out 5x a week every week, in less than a year you can earn enough for a new pair of sneakers!
It gets better, if you workout at home GymPact Anywhere uses your iPhone’s accelerometer to count your workout. Just keep your phone in an armband and hit 30 active minutes to count your workout towards your Pact. The rules are your workouts must be at least 30 minutes long but only one workout a day counts to your pact. You can schedule breaks for when you go on vacation. If you're sick you just need to send them a letter from your doctor or employer.
With financial rewards, it's not a great day until you workout!
This is the most amazing thing ever! Thanks for sharing!