Hip-Hop Abs

Shaun T, creater of the Insanity workout, also made Hip Hop Abs which is a totally fun, beginner workout that's more like a dance party than a workout. Right now it's on sale for only $20 for a 3 dvd set pack! And there's also a spanish version available. It's a 30-day, dance-based in-home fitness program designed to help you burn fat and sculpt your abs without doing crunches or sit-ups.

Shaun T teaches his easy-to-follow moves step by step, so you can do it even if you think you can’t dance. If you’re new to working out, you won’t need to buy any extra equipment, you just need room to move. It uses cardio to burn calories, with special focus on toning your abs.

Also included is a nutrition guide that helps you choose the right foods to support your weight loss goals. If you have to eat on the go, Shaun helps you make the best choices with his Results on the Run diet guide.

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